Cuisine Table

This table holds the names and identification information for specific types of cuisine. Examples would include things like Chinese, Italian, Thi and French.

Suggestions are welcome for additional Cuisine Types.

Table Layout

Column Type Length Description
Cuisine_ID Number (Long)
Unique ID for each cuisine record
Name Text
A title or name for a type of cuisine
Modified Date/Time
Timestamp when this record was last modified.
Modified_By Number (Long)
Record ID for the food detective that last updated this record.
Created Date/Time
Timestamp when this record was created.
Created_By Number (Long)
Record ID for the food detective that created this record.


Each record in the Establishment table has a Set of the specific Cuisines described in this table.  Because of the use of a Set type field in the Establishment table, there is not a direct relationship between the Establishment table and this table.  I am implementing this table for two reasons.
1. By maintaining the names it will help me to build the UI for user queries and reports.

2. Since fields of the Set type have a maximum of 64 total members, a Set might prove to be inadequate to hold all the types of specific cuisines. If this ends up being true, I will only have to restructure the Establishment table so that it has a more direct relationship to this table.

The Modified_By and Created_By fields in these records each point to single records in the Food Detective table. Because a food detective can create multiple entries in the database, this can produce a many to one relationship between these records and the Food Detective records.

See also:

Establishment Table,
Food Detective Table,
Suggested Cuisine Types.
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Last updated on 12/12/00